Is a business audit right for me?
Are you disappointed that your business is not achieving the success it could?
Are you overwhelmed by a growing to do list you never get to the bottom of?
Are you too busy to investigate areas of business you aren't expert in?
Are you unsure of how to prioritise and what to focus on for the biggest impact?
Are you open to change and ready to take action to get results?
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, this business audit is perfect for you.
No more looking for the missing piece and second guessing what is stopping your growth!
No more investing in problem solving based on what a social media algorithm chooses to sell you!
Instead you can:
This audit map shows you how the process works:
Once you have paid, book a date to meet on zoom for the audit to be conducted, complete the pre-meeting questionnaire to get you thinking about the pillars and submit so Sarah can tailor the 60 minute audit discussion to your needs.
Your personalised report will be compiled after reviewing the 54 data points across the five core pillars of business of Research, Strategy, Marketing and Sales, Operations, Energy. It sounds a lot but it will be broken down clearly with personalised recommendations to fill gaps, identify priorities, remove hurdles and identify clear actions help you grow your business.
Your personalised report will be created and returned to you within 5 working days so that you will be able to action the recommendations quickly.
The current price is £95.
Click the link button below to be taken to the booking page.